Floor Armor UPC Self Leveling

Floor Armor UPC Self Leveling is a three-part urethane polymer concrete high-build coating. The system can withstand aggressive chemical attacks, thermal shock resistance, and high impact resistance. It is engineered as a functional and performance-focused concrete flooring system. 

22 sq.ft./unit @ 1/4″ thickness
30 sq.ft./unit @ 1/4″ thickness over broadcast



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Floor Armor UPC – Self Leveling is a three-part urethane polymer concrete high-build coating. The system can withstand aggressive chemical attacks, thermal shock resistance, and high impact resistance. It is engineered as a functional and performance-focused concrete flooring system.


Additional information

Weight 25 lbs

Natural, Medium Gray, Dark Gray, Charcoal, Tan, Brick Red, Brown, Green, Blue

Technical Data

Installation Information

Safety Data A

Safety Data B

Safety Data C